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Meet the team of the student board
Germany, Hochschule Darmstadt
France, UTT
Spain, UPCT
Romania, UTCN
Cyprus, CUT
Riga, RTU
Ireland, TU Dublin
Bulgaria, TU Sofia
If you are interested to know more about EUt+ and share your ideas, feel free to contact us.
The answer to the diversity of society is inclusive education. This means that it is imperative for us that every student - regardless of age, gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, mental and physical abilities, religion, ideology, social status and educational background - has equal access to the education that the EUt+ offers. As the Student Board we find equal opportunity non-negotiable and will be advocates for this cause in all aspects of our work.
The Student Board represents the interests, opinions and needs of all students from the consortium. It is the role of the Student Board to act as a bridge between the students and the Governing Board/Steering Committee. The Student Board will delegate representatives to the Governing Board, represent the students’ opinion in all decisions and report all decisions made by the Governing Board/Steering Committee to the academic community.
The Student Board exists as an independent committee in the structure of the EUt+ and is not subordinate to the universities. It will collaborate with the Governing Board, the Steering Committee and the Work Packages. The Student Board is composed of 16 students, 2 per university. Those students have equal responsibilities and rights. It is mandatory for all the universities in the alliance to delegate these students at the beginning of the academic year. During the first Student Board meeting, the representatives will define their precise roles and the year’s strategy. The Student Board will compose temporary Follow-up Groups, made up of students from the Students Pool. The Follow-up Groups will be formed for specific tasks and will dissolve after the task is completed. The student pool is a fluid community of all active students in the alliance.
In order to initiate a voting process, an attendance of minimum 9 student representatives is required, from at least 5 different universities. Absolute majority is needed for a vote to be effective. Meaning a minimum of 5 “yes”, independently on the number of voters. There is a maximum of eight votes, one per university. The two student representatives from each university need to discuss their vote together. If the number of blank votes exceeds the number of yes votes, the vote is postponed. A vote is needed to proceed in any change in this regulation. The changes are effective immediately.
From September 2021 until 2024 (start of the experimental confederation)
Student representatives should be elected by the first working week of November. Student representatives have mandates of 2 years. They are delegated by each university in a locally chosen way. Students shall be involved in the decision process to nominate or elect EUt+ representatives of the Student Board. It is mandatory to choose two representatives for each university.
Starting from the academic year 2024-2025Student representatives are to be chosen at the beginning of every academic year. They are delegated by each university in a locally chosen way. Students shall be involved in the decision process to nominate or elect EUt+ representatives of the Student Board. It is mandatory to choose two representatives for each university. The mandate’s extent is one year, conductive maximum once.
New student representatives are elected by the first working week of November but don’t begin their mandate until the first working week of December. During the first month after their election, the descending Student Representatives will introduce the new Representatives to all duties and structures of the Student Board to ensure a smooth transition.
If some student representatives leave the Student Board, they are resigning from their responsibilities and new representatives should be electedas soon as possible. -
With the consideration that all meetings must be documented through the meeting protocol, at the beginning of each one a secretary will be elected. The secretary must document everything that was discussed during the meeting. When the protocol has been written and signed by the secretary, it will be uploaded to a common platform so that everyone involved can read it. At the beginning of each meeting, the protocol of the previous meeting must be approved as specified in the "voting process" section.
There will be 4 meetings every year and it is mandatory that 2 of them take place onsite. The calendar for the whole year and the first meeting of the next year will be set at the first meeting of the current year. The calendar can be modified during the year at the decision of the Student Board. All Student Board meetings will be internal and without public participation.
The General Assembly includes the Student Board and all the students that compose the Students Pool. The general assembly will meet online, once a year, in order to share decisions from the Governing Board/Student Board and to discuss all students' opinions. The General Assembly’s meetings are moderated by the Student Board. If needed, Extraordinary General Assemblies meetings can occur.
At the beginning of each academic year, the regulations will be analysed and, if an update is needed, the changes will be proposed in a voting session as specified in the "voting process" section. The current regulations are modified by the Student Board.
EUt+: European University of Technology
Student: includes bachelor students, master students, doctoral students and elected student representatives of the local students’ unions.