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EITTO : EUt+ Innovation and Technology Transfer Office
The EUt+ Innovation and Technology Transfer Office (EITTO) supports researchers and companies to enhance innovation and collaboration to increase societal, ecological, economic, and technological impact. It is the main contact point for Innovation & Entrepreneurship in the European University of Technology. We offer a variety of services for companies as well as our students and researchers.
CUT: eut.tto@cut.ac.cy
HDA: julia.mohr@h-da.de
TU Dublin: innovation@tudublin.ie
TUS: a_mitov@tu-sofia.bg
RTU: inovacijas@rtu.lv
UPCT: daniel.robles@upct.es
UTCN: Liliana.Pop@staff.utcluj.ro
UTT: vepi@utt.fr
UNICAS: utt@unicas.it
Our offer for Companies & other organizations
- Liaison office for collaboration with the EU+ alliance and its partners
- Facilitate external access to researcher expertise and infrastructure
- Supporting industry partnerships & agreements, including funding advice
- Technological licensing and intellectual property management
- Innovation and networking events
- Support in the field of technology and knowledge transfer
- Laboratory and other equipment access management
Our offer for Researchers and Research Institutes
- Industry research collaborations
- Technology licensing & spin-out/start creation
- Intellectual property management & advice
- Contact point for technology transfer including Intellectual Property (IP) rights
- Liaison Hub for industry collaboration
- Support for Knowledge and Technology valorization
- IP protection legal documents
- IP protection and legal support
CUT: eut.tto@cut.ac.cy
HDA: julia.mohr@h-da.de
TU Dublin: innovation@tudublin.ie
TUS: a_mitov@tu-sofia.bg
RTU: inovacijas@rtu.lv
UPCT: daniel.robles@upct.es
UTCN: Liliana.Pop@staff.utcluj.ro
UTT: vepi@utt.fr
UNICAS: utt@unicas.it
mise à jour le 21 janvier 2025
EUt+: Empowering Innovation Together
Take a glance at some of the advanced research and technology expertise of EUt+ partners. This is a non-exhaustive list, so if you need a specific capability that does not figure on this flyer, feel free to contact us at eitto@univ-tech.eu
Partner with us to shape the future of your industry!
Partner with us to shape the future of your industry!