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Engineering students' education at the heart of the upcoming EUt+ week in Troyes

Published on January 22, 2024 Updated on January 22, 2024

on the January 22, 2024

The partners of the European University of Technology, EUt+ will gather at the University of Technology of Troyes, UTT from 23rd to 26th January 2024.

As Phase II unfolds, the EUt+ initiative is now fully integrated into the strategies of each partner university. This evolution is evident through increased involvement and expansion of teams engaged in various activities. In Troyes, 150 participants from 9 countries will convene, exchanging ideas in 10 different languages and utilising 3 alphabets.

This inaugural EUt+ working week, marking the beginning of the year, is dedicated to reflection and consolidation of the education of engineering students on a European scale. Various working groups involved in EUt+ programs will gather to assess the quality and attractiveness of EUt+ paths and plan the implementation of upcoming programs. EUt+ students can currently enroll in EUt+ programs in Telecommunications and Networks, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering. Computer Science, Microelectronics and Food science and technology programs will be open from Autumn 2024. In November of the previous year, UTT achieved a significant milestone by awarding its first EUt+ certificates to graduates in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.

During this week, participants will also have the opportunity to explore the EUt+ Mobility Maps Tool, designed to guide students through their personalized EUt+ journeys. This tool aims to streamline students' navigation through the diverse opportunities offered at the alliance level.
The Erasmus Common Office team will hold a meeting to assess actions taken so far and define future development prospects. This strategic reflection is crucial to ensure an increasingly enriching EUt+ experience.

A highlight of the week will be the address by Stefan Delplace, a recognized expert in Higher Education Quality Assurance. Formerly the Secretary-General of the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) from 2003 to 2014, Mr. Delplace will share valuable insights into the certification of qualifications and degrees, as well as the recognition of qualifications. This collaboration with external experts will be a recurring feature of the second phase of the EUt+ project.

To attract more students to EUt+ programs, the EUt+ Communication Office will host a workshop in collaboration with Havas. Communication teams and student representatives from each university will collaborate to define key messages tailored to each campus, considering the specificities of each institution and diverse student expectations.

Finally, the visit of European partners will also be an opportunity to (re)discover the UTT campus, and the CIME, the international multisport complex dedicated to climbing, inaugurated last June in anticipation of hosting sports delegations during the 2024 Paris Olympics.
Date of update 22 janvier 2024