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EUt+ campuses joined the European Researchers Night celebration

Published on October 2, 2023 Updated on October 3, 2023
Research night
Research night

on the October 2, 2023

European Researchers Night across our EUt+ campuses

We were thrilled to participate in the European Researchers Night across our EUt+ campuses. At our culmination of Cartagena Week, UPCT hosted the EUt+ corner with French and Bulgarian teams for the first time.

Prof. Christophe Couteau, from UTT led an engaging and colourful workshop on nanotechnologies and nanomaterials, while Sebastian Pinto, phD students in Troyes, explained the CO2 footprint through an educational Serious game.

Additionally, Bulgarian students, Georgi, Miroslav, Nikolina, Tsvetoslav from TU Sofia showcased an energy-autonomous intelligent beehive system.
Local students from the European Student Network provided invaluable support in overcoming language barriers.

The Researchers Night also took place in our campuses in Sofia, Cluj-Napoca, Limassol, and Cassino.

Learn more: European Researchers Night celebration
Date of update 03 octobre 2023