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EUt+ week concludes in Cartagena, with new developments in training and entrepreneurship

Published on January 28, 2025 Updated on January 28, 2025

on the January 27, 2025

The European University of Technology (EUt+) has taken advantage of the third week of work held at the UPCT, in which around 140 members of the nine polytechnics have participated, to launch two new initiatives: a mentoring programme in entrepreneurship for students and another training programme in teaching innovation for teachers.

The first session of the "Train the Trainers" training programme for teachers, focused on teaching innovation and student-centred methodologies in accordance with the EUt+ pedagogical framework to be adopted by the joint degrees being developed, was given yesterday, Thursday, by Erini Christou, an expert researcher in education from the Cyprus University of Technology.

This programme will train the "trainer champions" who will promote the pedagogical changes among the rest of the teachers at each university. In the UPCT there are about twenty teachers participating in this initiative.

"The new EUt+ pedagogical framework is based on student-centred learning, project-based learning, inclusive methodologies and active learning," explains Enrique Castro, who is responsible for this programme at UPCT. Integrating social and technological challenges into academic curricula, promoting active learning and working on diversity and inclusion in the classroom are some of the key ideas of these pedagogies, which take the form of "practical case studies, carrying out simulations and reinforcing teamwork", he adds.

The EUt+ Incubation Program has also been launched from Cartagena, an innovation and entrepreneurship initiative that will provide free training and advice with personalised mentoring for entrepreneurs and business people.

The briefing, held on Wednesday at the CIM, included a group work exercise called the "marshmallow challenge" in which participants worked together to build, using tape and string, a tower of spaghetti topped by a cloud of candy.

Making progress in the preparation and launch of official joint degrees was also at the heart of this week's work, with Yann-maël Bideau, representative of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education, and Aleksandar Šušnjar, the director of the European Quality Assurance Register for Qualifications, taking part in the Education Committee on Wednesday.

Sofia Costa D'Aguiar, executive director of the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance, attended the opening day of the EUt+ week in Cartagena to learn about the progress in integration of other European university consortia, who defended the opportunities that European universities give to their students. We are multiplying the internationalisation proposals, with new, more flexible and natural modalities.

The rector of the UPCT, Mathieu Kessler, inaugurated the EUt+ week on Tuesday, recalling the “impact on our companies and productive sector” of the international experience that students acquire thanks to the mobility programmes for students and also for teachers. "Those who cannot take courses abroad because of their personal circumstances can be taught by international teachers and participate in programmes that combine online and face-to-face training," he said.
Date of update 28 janvier 2025