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Eut+ Women Wednesdays - Antonia Christou

Published on May 4, 2022 Updated on May 6, 2022

on the May 4, 2022

Antonia Christou is currently coordinating Inno-EUt+ at the Cyprus University of Technology, a project funded by EIT HEI Initiative including 7 out of 8 HEIs of the EUt+ alliance and 2 non-HEI partners: Chrysalis LEAP and Water Alliance. She is also a Trainer of the Climate Entrepreneurship Training, delivered through Inno-EUt+ to CUT students.

Antonia is also working on several workpackages for EUt+, including Entrepreneurship, Civic and Industry Engagement (T2.4) as well as the EITTO (EUt+ Innovation Technology Transfer Office – T4.4).

She has an extensive experience in the Aerospace industry in France and Germany and has worked as Innovation Manager in Singapore, supporting young Entrepreneurs and startups through the Industry 4.0 Accelerator she supported creating. She holds a Bachelor’s degree on Foreign Languages Applied to Economics and a Master’s degree on Business Development by the Université Toulouse II. She is a digital manufacturing enthusiast and maker. She holds a certificate on Design Thinking for Innovation.

Date of update 06 mai 2022