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EUt+ EXTRAS results

This section hosts all public deliverables of the project EUt EXTRAS. The content of thes deliverables represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
WPX1 Ethics requirement

No public deliverable for this work package

WPX2 Science and technology with and for society

D2.1 – D3 – Masterplan for the Think Tank's back-office and analysis of the functioning of think-tank sources and their fluidity (confidential)

D2.2 – D4 – Methodology and demonstrator (videos, social media posts, community management, etc.) of a communicational approach for the promotion of European science and technology

D2.3 – D5 – Analysis and implementation plan: "Opportunities and challenges for socially inclusive and/or interdisciplinary practices across the EUt+ sites" (confidential)

WPX3 Connecting technological research with its peripheric environment

D3.1 – D6 – Methodology and creation of public database for the collection and publication of student-research results (confidential)

D3.2 – D7 – Methodology and creation of platform matching SMEs demands with those of laboratories (confidential)

D3.3 – D8 – Data management plan (confidential)

D3.4 – D9 – Data Management and Methodology toolkit: "Obstacles to overcome and key legislative aspects for the reinforcement of research collaboration aligned with IP legislation" (confidential)

WPX4 Internal and external “analysis” for informed decision-making

D4.1 – D10 – Comprehensive report mapping trends and possible links within EUt+ and beyond (confidential)

D4.2 – D11 – Report: "Positioning of the EUt+ alliance within the European Universities' ecosystem in terms of socio-economic developments"

D4.3 – D12 – Dashboard of global research trends and affinity matching AI tool (confidential)

​​​​​D4.4 – D13 – Report: Evaluation of co-design process, impact and participation of citizen lab(s) (Coming soon)

WPX5 Creating commons

D5.1 – D14 – Analysis and action plan to improve design and implementation of funding mechanisms at the EUt+ level (confidential)

D5.2 – D15 – Methodology and roadmap for internal and external sharing of research resources and equipments (confidential)

D5.3 – D16 – Roadmap: "Research and Innovation Strategic Plan for EUt+" (confidential)

WPX6 Assessment methodology and dissemination

D6.1 – D17 – FOREU2 report: "Collection of 24 case studies (one per Alliance) on progress made in the implementation of R&I long-term strategies, in particular via the identification and removal of legal/financial/regulatory barrier(s)

D6.2 – D18 – "EUt EXTRAS test beds: empirical lessons learned, new methodology proposal and discussion about generalizability of insights"

D6.3 – D23 – Short Policy Brief 1

D6.4 – D24 – Short Policy Brief 2

WPX7 Develop human capital to steer Europe towards a new path of excellence

D7.1 – D19 –  Report "HRS4R phase 2: Benchmark study and evaluation system protocol for researchers in the technology research field"

D7.2 – D20 – Strategic guidelines for EUt+: "Policies for joint HR development in strategic domain"

D7.3 – D21 –  Policy report: "Optimising university staff mobility - obstacles and solutions"

D7.4 – D22 – Policy report and Action plan for EUt+: "Structuring research potential to reach critical mass in a decentralized structure: a diversity of researchers in a team that is stronger than the sum of its parts"

This project concludes by a synthetic roadmap for the development and integration of research in EUt+.

roadmap research EUt+
roadmap research EUt+

This initiative has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (SwafS33) programme under grant agreement 101035812 — EUt EXTRAS— H2020-IBA-SwafS-Support-2-2020.
cofunded EU
cofunded EU
Date of update 04 mars 2025