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More european students will soon feel at home on EUt+ campuses

Published on September 24, 2021 Updated on November 24, 2021

on the September 22, 2021

Limassol, Cyprus

Two important agreements have been signed during the Limassol week concerning the acceleration of the mobility of students among the EUt+ European University of Technology. The first students experiencing the “intra-EUt+” mobilities will be fully involved into the process of building this new kind of university and be EUt+ pioneers.

Student mobility is one of the key pillars in EUt+, an integral part of our common identity that reinforces the sense of belonging in the EUt family. The common Erasmus Office is fully staffed, fully operational and with adequate funding and provides a seamless and inclusive experience to all students and staff moving between the EUt+ campuses. Students are empowered and motivated to move from one campus to another based on sound academic criteria that suit their individual learning paths and training needs, while at the same time improving their linguistic skills and immersing themselves in cultural activities, feeling at home in every campus.

With the development of EUt+, the number of student’s mobility will increase. To fulfil the ambition on multiculturalism and multilingualism of EUt+, the partners have agreed to create a transnational office that will coordinate and foster the Erasmus activities. To reach those goals, bilateral erasmus agreements have been signed.

To make sure every student will feel at home on every campus, an organisation dedicated to “incoming students” will be created, with a representative at each university. This service, the International Teams Coordination (ITCO) will extend the activity of the International Relations department with a specific aim: helping students with all practical questions such as accommodation, immigration, health, and many more. The ITCO will design truly harmonized intercampuses services that will run a physical help desk.

The ITCO will also create dedicated courses, Expanded Realities applications fostering multilingual and cultural understanding, mandatory intensive foreign language classes as well as support before any semester abroad. All these activities will help to reach two important goals of the initiative: to live multilangualism and to spread European values. This structure will also be in charge of disseminating European values and EUt+ vision of European technology among students and staff.
Date of update 24 novembre 2021