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Representatives of the European University of Technology EUT+ meet again in Cluj

Published on October 10, 2024 Updated on October 10, 2024

on the October 10, 2024

From October 14 to 18, 2024, the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) will host one of the most important academic events of the year: the meeting of the representatives of the 9 partner universities in the European alliance European University of Technology /European University of Technology EUt+.

More than 150 participants - academics, researchers and students from the member universities of the consortium, together with their rectors and presidents, are expected to attend the event, which will focus on current and future work steps on different action lines.

The Cluj meeting will focus on one of the most important components of this project - research, which is coordinated by the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The major topics to be discussed on this occasion are the certification of the research structures already established in the first phase of the project, the strategic research path and plan, the status of the doctoral school within the EUT and the European Research Office (ERO), as well as the procedures for the evaluation of new research structures within the alliance.

Each working meeting focuses on the success of this project, which aims to design the future of university education at European level by implementing new models of collaboration in transnational alliances.

EUT+ defines itself as a European university consortium of the future, contributing directly to the development of European technical higher education by guaranteeing automatic credit recognition through a single EUT+ degree. Obviously, this process includes the creation of a common curriculum at bachelor, master and doctoral level, the integration of study programs, the facilitation of student mobility, the stimulation of academic staff mobility, the stimulation of creativity and innovation through the development of joint laboratories and research centers.
Date of update 10 octobre 2024