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The Online International Winter School TUCN 2021

Published on November 4, 2021 Updated on November 24, 2021
Cluj Napoca Technical University
Cluj Napoca Technical University - Cluj Napoca Technical University

on the November 4, 2021

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca opened the registration period for the courses that will be taught during the "The Online International Winter School TUCN 2021"! The winter school will take place online, between December 6th-17th, 2021.

Several courses are proposed to students, regarding Information Tehchnogies and Systems, Introduction to Economics, International Business Management and Artificial Intelligence in Business Management.
Participants wishing to enroll in one or a maximum of two courses at the international school must fill in a form available on this website and then sent it to the e-mail address: Summer.School@staff.utcluj.ro

Information Technologies And Systems

The aim of the course is to teach students the basic principles and applications of modern information technologies and systems.
Course Lecturer: Dr. Firudin Aghayev
Home Institution: Azerbaijan Technical University

Course information

Introduction to Economics

This module is an introductory course in Economics, including introductory concepts in microeconomics and macroeconomics. The aim of this module is to give students, who may have no previous background in the subject, an understanding of basic economic theory and its
Course Lecturer: Dr. Supriya Kapoor
Home Institution: Technological University Dublin

Course information

International Business Management

This course will sensitize participants towards various introductory topics which fall under Business Management. This sensitization/understanding will help them in finding their space in the business world as the world is getting more and more connected (because of ICTs) and we are becoming more and more global citizens.
Course Lecturer: Mr. Tashfeen Ahmad
Home Institution: The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica

Course information

Artificial Intelligence in Business Management

Technologies have changed the way we live, work and play. One of such technology which is making huge impacts is Artificial Intelligence. This introductory course will sensitise participants to the advancing role of AI in various industries. The advantages of AI are obvious, however, possible areas to be careful about will be considered too. The inclusion of this course is timely as European Union is deliberating on the role of ethics and trust in Artificial Intelligence application. The daily topics will be posted on the website and teaching method will be interactive and discussion based.
Course Lecturer: Mr. Tashfeen Ahmad
Home Institution: The University of the West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica

Course information

Please find here more information regarding the offered courses and registration procedure.
The deadline for participants registration is November 29th, 2021.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact the Summer School: Summer.School@staff.utcluj.ro
Date of update 24 novembre 2021